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Female. Lives in United Kingdom. Born on October 5, 1979. Is in a relationship.
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On the path of finding myself
All Things Dreaming
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posted a trip report.
Look what I have!!! all set and ready for blast off
8 people like this.
Lmao that would definitely launch you
Like January 24, 2021
It does the trick for me had a bad few experiences so this is my better way, so much better than piping it
Like January 24, 2021 Edited
There are other devices so I prefer freebase but if I didn't use a nectar collector or dabrig or sum I wouldn't use freebase
Like January 24, 2021
posted a trip report.
12 people like this.
best of luck!
Like January 25, 2021
posted a trip report.
16 people like this.
Shaboy-dmt trips are more similar for me the more often i use. Vicci- my first time i actually blasted, i went through the space geometry shit, then all of a sudden i didnt realize i was even tripping anymore. Im standing on a road near a construction zone. I see consruction signs everywhere, like a... View More
Like January 12, 2021
Mine was quite boring by some peoples accounts. I started out with 2g Gts, a few hours later 1.5g PE then smoked a small amount of DMT which gave me intense visuals but a very uncomfortable feeling i then thought i should vape it and boy did that do the trick. Pretty much wiped me out into a facedo... View More
Like January 12, 2021 Edited
Abstract hue I haven't had any nausia as yet, especially if u pipe it, I think it's the liquid form that makes u feel sick but that's just me, I'm unsure of others experience with it
Like January 12, 2021
Budelaire I haven't had the death yet although my second time tripping in it I used 34mg and it threw me, my whole body vibrated, but I've been back in since with a sheesha pen and it was much better, my partner however has been in 3 times and each time he said there was nothing but death, he refus... View More
Like January 12, 2021
New to this site, just saying hi ????
14 people like this.
Welcome to the community!! 1f642.png
Like January 12, 2021
Welcome to the neighborhood! Its a great place to be!
Like January 12, 2021
Hey! Welcome! Meet to nice you!
Like January 12, 2021
This place is great. You see a little hiccup here and there, but i think for the most part there is an expectation that respect and tolerance are primary. That expectation alone can be enough to temper what otherwise may be an inciteful or offputting response. Be nice or be quiet. Lots of good ex... View More
Like January 12, 2021
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