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Male. Lives in Geneva, Switzerland. Born on June 12, 1993. Is single.
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Curious and open-minded person :)
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We need more memes about shrooms and lsd!!! Someone has a good page? laughing.gif
1 person likes this.
We have three meme groups you should join them and and
Like March 2, 2022
Relaxing before tripping :-p
14 people like this.
Chef vo wo chunsh? Hesh insta oder whatsapp? Schwierig da z'kommuniziere
Like October 14, 2021
mer chan au da uf de app nachrichte sende 1f609.png
Like October 14, 2021 Edited
glaubs ned imfall, probier mal
Like October 16, 2021
unde rechts heds 3 querbälke, det drufklicke, denn uf terms&policies und scho bisch imene schwarze menu wo söttsch in rot en benachrichtigung gseh vo mer 1f609.png
Like October 17, 2021
Hello beautiful community!
Finally back after months! How are you guys? smile.gif
I gonna make a trip soon with magic shrooms! Just wanted to ask you something:
-If I take the shrooms now, will it lower the powe... View More

8 people like this.
Not even a little bit. Happy trails
Like October 13, 2021
Thank you guys you are awesome, one love , greetings from switzerland
Like October 13, 2021
3 weeks is the recommended time period to take a break from big doses. Every 3 days for microdosing. I'm looking forward to my next trip as well. I'm hoping to learn more about my self and see what self development I have to do.
Like October 14, 2021
Hello beautiful people. Has anybody tried once 2C-B ? Me and my girl wanna try it soon and I just wanted to hear about your experiences. I'm quite curious smile.gif
2 people like this.
yepp..it's very strongly visual
Like April 16, 2021
Like April 25, 2021
Yeah, to me it is physically not as pleasant as lsd or mushrooms but its very visual in a difrent way, its nice
Like April 26, 2021
Can someone explain me why some LSD/acid have less visuals and some more ?
I mean... basically it should be the same everytime, cause the molecule is the same.
Can we speak about the pureness of the l... View More

6 people like this.
Because sandoz isnt making acid anymore ...anything worth ingesting wether it be food or acid must be made with love or with intent of love other wise it wont have its magic or x factor persay
Like March 18, 2021
Yes I always take it with a space of at least 2 months. Always good setting, mindset and good people. But maybe it's also about the light. The only moment where I had strong visions was in the summer during a sunny day in the mountains. While my other trips were at home in the late afternoon /beginn... View More
Like March 18, 2021
There’s been a decades long debate over whether there are differences between batches of LSD crystal. However, in my personal experience the same batch can produce very different trips. I’ve been working my way through a quarter sheet for the past couple of years and some trips have been very visual... View More
Like March 18, 2021
This is perenial debate! I often wonder. Isnt a molecule a molecule? Clean. Dirty... i think the set/setting can be so variable its hard to say with such a subjective expirience. With blotter im pretty sure there are hotspots, where some parts have a higher concentration of lsd.
Like March 19, 2021
Hello beautiful community!
Until now I've smoked changa with a bong or a pipe but I wanna try to vaporize it, I've heard it works ! Does one of you guys know what would be the perfect temperature to v... View More

Our first trip with mushrooms laughing.gif it will harmonize... laughing.gif
18 people like this.
First? Looking forward to your trip report
Like February 12, 2021
Good evening my lovely community ! Hope you're going well. I have a question for you guys, here is the situation:
My girlfriend and I want to try mushrooms for the very first time and we really wanna ... View More

2 people like this.
I agree. Do not take the car. Stay home. You dont know how you guys are gonna handle the come up anxiety and the trip itself. Being out while the effects take ahold is a terrible idea. Stay home. This wont be the last trip. Youll have time to have the other experiences later on. Do not rush into thi... View More
Like February 11, 2021
Ich würde auch drinnen bleiben. Habt ihr einen park oä in der Nähe? Wir sind mit pilze (2 von 3 zum ersten mal pilze genommen und bei mir wars auch die erste starke dosis) im Winter rüber in den Park. Einem von uns wurde es drinnen zu viel. Für das erste mal war aber auch die dosis zu hoch! War me... View More
Like February 11, 2021
Being in the woods is awesome. But driving there and back isn't a good idea. As someone else said, I feel cold in my house under a blanket on shrooms, especially during the come up. Being outside in the winter on shrooms gets old pretty quick for me. The snow is pretty cool on a high dose of mushroo... View More
Like February 11, 2021 Edited
If it was me id go get a bunch of fire wood and have a little camp fire in my backyard. You'll be so mesmerized by the fire its amazing imo. Also some of your favorite fruit or snacks for toward the end of the trip. A dope playlist and your golden especially with the old lady youll have a great time... View More
Like February 11, 2021
Nice day today in geneva,isn't it? laughing.gif
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