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Male. Lives in Terrapin Station St., Christmas Island. Born on May 23, 1976. Is in a relationship.
About Me
I am passionate about my hobbies. I get by the best I can untill I can do better. I am a minimalist ... View More
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Status Update

I am looking for the best off the shelf bloom stimulators for cannabis. I really value everyone and there opinion. So please let the ideas fly. I am also open to ideas for organic and vegan style. THA... View More
4 people like this.
I been growing since I was a child and I am going on 50. Mostly synthetic and added animal by products. I have had great success with my worm farm I mostly feed them alfalfa meal. I have used mostly synthetic stuff for outdoor grows mostly because of convince. I still live in a communist state sorry... View More
Like August 4, 2021
Joey Green
Raising worms/making your own worm castings is one of the very best "organic" growing endeavors one could do! Interesting on feeding yours alfalfa meal tunelesslittleman! .... You dont find that it gets too hot (due to extothermic microorganism population explosions) when it starts to break down pu... View More
Like August 4, 2021
Joey Green
My very top reading recommendations (concerning organic gardening/soils) thats written for laymen in an easy to understand format are ..... Teaming With Microbes By Jeff Lowenfels and Wayne Lewis ... View More
Like August 4, 2021
Joey Green
Take a day at a time man, but always keep your eye upon the direction you wish to go ....and before you know it ..... you will look back thinking "How the fuck did I get here?" Lol
Like August 4, 2021