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Male. Lives in Huddersfield, United Kingdom. Born on April 20, 1984.
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Part time psychonaut - Full time Dad
Psychedelic Recovery
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DMT World News
First time DMT user here . Im hoping for some help. I hsve my pipe loaded up and ready to go. Iv tried 3 times but every time i inhale the first hit i feel an extreme wave of anxiety and n... View More

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Thankyou fir all the replies it made me feel much more at ease. I blasted off and died it was fucking mindblowing its still blowing my mind a day later . I also managed to do it on one hit on the glass pipe - either the DMT is super potent or im just a natural expert at burning the pipe. Thanks agai... View More
Like December 31, 2020
JoeyGreen- i never suggest anyone attempt a large dose of dmt. Its not very forgiving, and wasteful. Once you find what you think is barely the dose you need, then i always suggets they practice their technique, which is the most varying factor in my experience. Everyone's lungs have different sensi... View More
Like December 31, 2020
Yes it was a meth pipe - but i think the combination of having over 100mg in the pipe and the fact that i dont weigh very much were the main factors in the breakthrough - but my lungs have also been used to abusing heroin on and off for years also helped .
Like January 1, 2021
Both @CHIEFBIGBEAR and valid points and honestly at the highest dosage for me being to massive dab hits back to back I absolutely loved it don't really see it as a waste as I'm still having a experience usually alot more vivid to say the least this molecule intrigues me actually as as j... View More
Like January 1, 2021
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