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Wall Comment

Your post was removed because we don't allow any buying, telling, trading, soliciting, "I wish I could find" etc any substances that are federally illegal in the United States. There is a lot of infor... View More
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I am
Like January 12, 2024
You can write, should mean you can read too. That means either you read and chose to ignore the rule about federal illegal substances. C,mon dude.
Like January 12, 2024
Yes tf they are lol. I live in Ohio tho, kinda close
Like January 13, 2024
Regardless of state legality or not as here in Michigan alot has been decriminalized but only certain county's not the entire state, regardless of that though it's all about is it federally legal or not which unfortunately alot is still very much federally illegal and what we need to abide by here.
Like January 15, 2024 Edited