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Male. Lives in Fullerton, United States. Born on October 28, 1983. Is in a relationship.
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IG: @ShroomyJ
Twitter: MisterShroomyJ
DMT: Divine Moments of Truth
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Psychedelics » DMT
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Psychedelics » Other Compounds
When you buy the dmt to help with meth addiction then you trade the dmt to the meth dealer. Gdfs.
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Try regular mushroom doses to get off the meth. It helped me immensly. Nearly 2yrs without touching it at all
Like November 22, 2019
Im going to start dosing every two weeks when i have enough. My girl just gave away most of our grow
Like November 22, 2019
Even start microdosing. 0.1-0.2 a day. Will definetely help with the anxiety/desires
Like November 22, 2019
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Fever dream
Issa deem cart
Like November 8, 2019
A surprise from a good friend?
Like November 8, 2019
Whata ratio though i can't see that
Like November 22, 2019
If emojis worked, I'd be drooling
Like November 22, 2019
shared a few photos
Follow me @ShroomyJ on ig. Thxzzzz
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The fuck that ripped me off on ig. Just wanted to make sure. Im sure. Fuck this guy. Block him if you follow him. Scammed me out of $120 to meet dimitri and lucy. Luckily someone else was a good perso... View More
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Why would anyone buy drugs through social media?
Like November 6, 2019
Be careful of social club also
Like November 6, 2019
That's why this shit's fuked up when you don't know anybody. If only I knew how to be safe
Like November 6, 2019
Its the not knowing anyone else thing and o dont know the dark web so i played my cards and it ended up 40/60 im okay with those odds. It ended up working out In the end.
Like November 6, 2019
Got ripped off on instagram. I thought people that use psychedelics had higher level of trust. Guess not. I feel so used. Its like that feeling you get after getting raped but without the physical pai... View More
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Nahhh I've learned if I don't know them personally, not to trust anyone. Doesn't matter if it's the Pope himself.. he's still a shady mother fucker and isn't to be trusted. But that's just me. I've been burned too many times by people lol
Like November 2, 2019
Possibly just somebody scamming and not a like minded user themselves. Sorry for your misfortune, hope it wasnt much.
Like November 2, 2019
Outside of the usual matketz ripping of is standard, and actually I think it's possibly not the worst don't do stuff like that without escrow in the clear web, it's to easy traceable.
Like November 2, 2019
Signal app is a great tool to have on your phone. Just saying...
4 people like this.
I just started using Signal with my dealers! Last week
Like October 30, 2019
Big boi
11 people like this.
Thank you
Like October 27, 2019
Hey man, i'm just wondering what your faveorite rare breed mushroom (psil.) Or otherwise i gues idk im still a noob. MushLuv
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Why do you think you aren't having luck?
Like October 25, 2019
Too lazy for a new post but everything is working out!!!
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I just lift the lid and fan then i leave it open 5-10 mins and fan again afterwards.
Like October 23, 2019 Edited
Ive watched a couple of videos stating you dont really need holes in your tub, just leave the lid on loosely. this could be bullshit though.
Like October 23, 2019
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