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Male. Lives in Brighton, United Kingdom. Born on April 20, 2000.
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What's the correct type of vape to use woth DMT carts?
I don't know anything about them. All I've heard is they need to be 10w, is that it?
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Is synthetic mescaline 'real' mescaline?
Is syntheticthe only option? I have had it from the DN before but I didn't purchase it myself so not sure if I've had the real extract or synthetic.
Does anybody... View More

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Which chemical are you talking about? 5-MEO-DMT? If so synthetic basically is the only way unless you're able to either find a shaman thats willing to hunt down some toads for you or you can find those toads yourself and do it that way. If you don't wish to do that, then synthetic is basically the o... View More
Like September 25, 2020
Sorry, mate. I meant mescaline.
Like September 25, 2020
What is real?
Like September 25, 2020
What dose and protocol would you recommend my 70g girlfriend microdose psilocybin? Im more of a macro doser.
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70 lbs?
Like September 17, 2020
Your girlfriend is tiny
Like September 17, 2020
Joey Green
Damn ..... 70g? .. perhaps your girl should consider adding more calories and carbs to her diet! Lol
Like September 17, 2020
Is this a chicken of the woods?
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Looks like it is. Theres no other polypores that look too similar to it
Like September 21, 2020
I am away for two weeks and have some space dust arriving in a plastic baggy (annoying). Would it be a good for a friend to put it in the freezer until I get home?
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Space dust is just PcP powder , it may also contain cocaine, but from what i understand its just powder PcP
Like September 16, 2020
If your talking dmt that shit sticks to plastic pretty bad from what i understand. Hope its at least im a little foil.i keep mine in the freezer. It makes it eazier to work with cause it even stick the the glass vile i keep it in if i dont.
Like September 17, 2020
Just wondering isnt buying powdered psychs kinda sketchy?
Like September 17, 2020
Tweaknut i feel like buying any powdered drug can be sketch for sure
Like September 17, 2020
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