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Male. Lives in Lexington, Kentucky, United States. Born on March 16, 2003. Is single.
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A spiritual being on the journey of life… always looking for others to connect with in kentucky.
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What’s the equation to calculate yield %?
Also, should I keep my spice (finished product)refrigerated, or room temp? Thank you all in advance for your patience and good advice!
2 people like this.
I just store mine in a cool dark place.
Like April 30, 2023
Based on your numbers in your last post it would be 3.5 multiplied by 100. Then you divide the answer to that by 50g (or 500g but I’m guessing that amount listed below was meant to be fifty) which will give you 7% (if you actually started with 500g it would be 0.7%)
Like April 30, 2023 Edited
7% from 50 grams is an amazing yield (especially from only one pull) … Maybe you did start with 500 grams. If so your yield is a bit lower than the expected 1-2% at the 0.7%, but not bad for your first pull on your first extract. With each pull that yield percentage will get closer to the expected 1... View More
Like April 30, 2023
Thank you!
Like April 30, 2023