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Male. Lives in Lexington, Kentucky, United States. Born on March 16, 2003. Is single.
About Me
A spiritual being on the journey of life… always looking for others to connect with in kentucky.
Discussion of mainstream religion
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Status Update

This is kinda off topic for what this website is, but I feel like I should share this…. I walked out this morning to get something out of my car and I seen a freshly hatched baby bird lying on the sid... View More
14 people like this.
I don't think it's off topic at all, just because we're a psychedelic social network, that doesn't mean we always talk about just psychedelics we talk about what us as individuals in a psychedelic community do in our lives, we do other things then just trip and I think this was a very nice post to s... View More
Like April 16, 2023 Edited
Good for you helping that baby
Like April 16, 2023
You are absolutely right, if we lose this beautiful earth we don’t have another one to fall back on.. we need to get our head out of our a$$ and start being more eco friendly not only as individuals but as communities, cities,states, countries, and as one world
Like April 23, 2023