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Male. Lives in United Kingdom.
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Brought the ticket, enjoying the ride!
Stoned Philosophers
596 Members
Psychology and Philosophy
Theology and Psychology
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Psychology and Philosophy

Status Update

I'm in agony. My back is screaming. Only the mother can heal, I can't tell the difference between Acute and Passive pain. Anyone else think of any other powerful and accessible, herbs and Potions that... View More
2 people like this.
Like March 15, 2023
Kratom. Cannabis. Bitter lettuce. Arnica. Capsaicin. Willow bark........... nature is a veritable medicine cabinet.
Like March 15, 2023
Erik Cole
Stinging nettle, both ingested (teas, cooked greens) and stinging your hurting areas with it.
Like March 15, 2023
Ketamine is all that works for me, search for ketamine clinics in your area.
Like March 15, 2023 Edited