on September 7, 2020
How would this cool swirly-wirly oil burner compare to a normal straight one? Is one better?
Dimension: 871 x 871
File Size: 50.03 Kb
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Never got one of those to work for me. Usually scorched it it didnt get hot enough. I made them just for this. But never got the proper wall thickness or something.
Like September 7, 2020
So, just a normal straight oil pipe is better then?
Like September 8, 2020
Depending on what you are smoking out of it... Back when i liked to stay awake 5-7 days at a time... Those swirls would've been the last thing i smoked out of because you're never truly out of dope until you've smoked the pipe clean and you can't really clean this pipe very easily.
Like September 9, 2020
I am not smoking meth our of these lol
Like September 9, 2020