on July 14, 2020
MY FIRST APE TUB! i feel like i was finally asked to sit with the cool kids at lunch lol it was a blast working with these... now as far as dosing goes, how much more potent are these guys compared to regular cubensis? i was planning on eating 4g dry this friday for my bday.
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Like January 1, 1970 Edited
Ive also always felt its kinda wastefull to “stack” shrooms. Always seemed to me they wont live up to their potential this way. Its much of a difference eating it all at once or waiting 2 hours and then eat more. If you are experienced i suggest eating them all at once.
Like July 27, 2020
From what I understand the potentency of penis envy is 1.5 is equivalent to 3.5 and that's all I've ever had is 1.5 of p.e. and I spilt that with a old friend was a short lived trip felt like 3 hours tops but a blast all the way and been hoping one day to take down 7.5 made as blue juice
Like July 27, 2020
My first and only breakthrough was on apes. I ate 5g in silent darkness. Only took about 15 mins before the scientists showed up.
Like August 15, 2020