on November 4, 2021
I'm leaning 95% it's ok what does everone else think, yay or nay?
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You gots to try either agar plates or LC, liquid culture
Like November 5, 2021
that happened to me. I tried to do G2A and save it but no contam was the result. I simply tossed the jar and now back to MSS to Agar only. I will just have to be patient.
Like November 5, 2021
Add a grain off the top to agar, then I would put it in straight coir with no nutrients added in a separate room from the rest of your grow. Bleach or peroxide misting if it seems like a sporolating contam. You may be able to get a fruit or two which you could needle biopsy the inner flesh for salva... View More
Like November 6, 2021
MSS to grain is beggin for trouble, contam practically garunteed, agar first. I would find some grains with rizhomorphs coming off, discard the kernels, put the myecelium to antibiotic agar, transfer till clean, start next jars with agar dishes
Like November 6, 2021