on April 15, 2021
Shoebox Maz and a lil veil porn from earlier today
Dimension: 4032 x 3024
File Size: 3.18 Mb
16 people like this.
Nicely done! It feels good to see a fellow Maz enthusiast showing off an amazing grow! I highly recommend to also do them in a 12qt dub tub. You won't regret it! I got big ass fruits my last two flushes! I'm excited for number 3.
Like April 16, 2021 Edited
@ChernobylMyco Thank you, I forgot how many qts my other tub is but that shoebox finished first. Just harvested my bigger tub, will post it in a few.
Like April 17, 2021
Gotta love maz
Like April 17, 2021
Maz is a very aggressive strain. Does well on transfers to. You can also get a decent flush for doing non-transfers and simply let the plate go.
Like April 19, 2021