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You align to whatever frequency you want by controlling breathing.
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I find that I can leave my body at times.If I have a though of breath I can't get out.
Like June 21, 2021
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Wifey got a new shirt today
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First acid trip wasn't very intense like I expected it to be. Spent most of the night painting my first love. 7 AM too late to go to bed? Brain wouldn't let me sleep at 5 so here goes nothing. Hope yo... View More
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Like June 5, 2021
Thank you!
Like June 5, 2021
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Product of that sketchy LC I posted a month ago
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More Maz! Its hard to get to these guys before a massive spore dump cause of how much I work but the harvest turned out pretty good
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Like April 17, 2021
Now we are talking! Lovely job!!! You aren't lying about the spore dump either. I get so much that it is overwhelming but in a good way. sorry for the late response and again well done!
Like April 26, 2021 Edited
Thank you bro much appreciated!
Like April 27, 2021
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Shoebox Maz and a lil veil porn from earlier today
16 people like this.
Nicely done! It feels good to see a fellow Maz enthusiast showing off an amazing grow! I highly recommend to also do them in a 12qt dub tub. You won't regret it! I got big ass fruits my last two flushes! I'm excited for number 3.
Like April 16, 2021 Edited
@ChernobylMyco Thank you, I forgot how many qts my other tub is but that shoebox finished first. Just harvested my bigger tub, will post it in a few.
Like April 17, 2021
Gotta love maz
Like April 17, 2021
Maz is a very aggressive strain. Does well on transfers to. You can also get a decent flush for doing non-transfers and simply let the plate go.
Like April 19, 2021
Anybodies fruits ever bruise and turn completely blue after being put in the dehydrator? No blue before much at all but after dehydration started.
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Jo smith
My fruits turn blue sometimes when I use a box fan on the highest setting. They're still able to dry out properly but it is an odd coloration. When I set the fan on low, bruising is minimal.
Like April 14, 2021
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Just a few more days. I'm getting impatient lol. Small container was put together 1 day before the bigger one. I've never done a casing layer and see a lot of mixed opinions about them. Is a casing la... View More
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Boomer, makes sense. I havent tried my hand at PE yet, but when I do I'll take your advice.
Like April 3, 2021
I always case my layer with leftover coir I have since it has given me good results. I would recommend it. However, if you get good results without having to do a casing then that is good to!
Like April 26, 2021 Edited
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Never done LC before, is this how its supposed to look? Innoculated it with spores a few weeks ago.
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I didn't know they made half gallon mason jars until I saw these at Walmart. Can't wait to see how much grain these hold. PC can fit 4 of them.
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Jo smith
Might have to increase your PC times a little bit because the jar is so big. Usually the bigger the jar, the longer it takes for the inside to reach the appropriate temperature for sterilization.
Like March 29, 2021
FennecFox I've been considering buying some bags but they seem a bit expensive. Some of my smaller mason jars are melting apart when I PC them so the bags look more attractive every time it happens.
Like March 29, 2021
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