on December 28, 2020
My bufo alvarius he growing up so fast i think its time we move to medium crickets can anyone tell me why my toad has a orange pattern on its back ever toads ive seen seems to be one color my toad was captive bred
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Hes cute! Hey there
Like December 30, 2020
5-MeO-DMT yeah for sure! There definitely isn't a ton of information on their care out there other than the basics. I did just get a herpatology textbook, even if it's not specific to crt's it was interesting and gave me some ideas of different elements to add to the tank like hot hides and cold hid... View More
Like December 30, 2020
Omg! Can u buy these wonderful creatures?
Like December 30, 2020
How do they milk it?
Like December 30, 2020