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Male. Lives in K'omoks, Canada.
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I deleted you insulin pen post. Taking Perscription medicine that isn’t prescribed to you is illegal in the US. Therefore it violates our no sourcing rule. Thanks for you understanding and cooperation... View More
5 people like this.
Appologies its over the counter here in Canada
Like November 7, 2021
It was amazing
34 people like this.
Looks it! What did u do there?
Like September 21, 2021
I sat and watched the sun go down and the rainbow return to where it came from... it was a special moment
Like September 21, 2021
That was the last stop at the grand canyon after driving through some heavy rain
Like September 21, 2021
Blessed. Yes , special moments. Its amazing what we can see when wevstop and shut up for a moment. Nature is offering up these divine gifts all the time, yet here i am looking at a glass screen.
Like September 21, 2021
Been hooked on this podcast mysteriousuniverse.org
Anyone else listen to these guys?
I'm interested in similar shows if anyone has any recommendations
2 people like this.
I personally really enjoy the mind escpae podcast if you haven't heard it yet. But i haven't listened to this 1 yet. Gotta check it out
Like July 17, 2021
I was looking for some input on a topic: talking to people about deems who have not tried or that dont know much about it.
My scenario was: a friend told me their cousin had gone on an aya ceremony lo... View More

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I show them Shane Mauss Tales from the Trip, some McKenna, DMT the Spirit Molecule, the video of my first DMT trip, and my first trip report. I don’t typically describe it myself too much because I sound like a quack when I do. Lol
Like October 31, 2020
Has anyone read this book? What did you think about it, worth a read?
5 people like this.
I dig that approach - i actually was originally iplanning a similar path.. wanted to experience dmt for myself first before reading this type of content. But Animal’s enthusiasm just drew me in and curiousity got the best of me haha i have not read that one but ill certainly look into it!
Like September 20, 2020
Love this book!
Like September 20, 2020
Graham Hancock is a total idiot, I wouldn't go anywhere near anything with his name on it.
Like September 20, 2020
Sorry bro but if you think Graham is an idiot then the rest of them should fall in the same category right?
Like September 20, 2020
shared a few photos
Strange summer this year, plants turned out shorter and fatter than normal... love them all the same!
Getting some Ram Dass on! Remember... be here now!
Question on extraction tek:
1 to 1 of ground MHRB and lye
15 to 1 of water (50g of MHRB would be 750ml of water)
Added lye and MHRB to jar and slowly add the water, do the rolling every 10 mins or so.... View More

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https://wiki.dmt-nexus.me/Cybs'_Hybrid_ATB_'Salt'_Tek The guide i used. Did you heat it at all??? We used a sous vide at 110f heat draws the dmt to the naptha
Like May 18, 2020
Thanks Patricia, I have tried the heat, did you find it pulls more out with it and crystals end up with a yellow color? I found this to make my mouth numb when vaped. With the tek above, crystals come out white and very little to no numbness leading me to think it pulls more 'pure'
Like May 18, 2020
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