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Male. Lives in K'omoks, Canada.
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Status Update

Question on extraction tek:
1 to 1 of ground MHRB and lye
15 to 1 of water (50g of MHRB would be 750ml of water)
Added lye and MHRB to jar and slowly add the water, do the rolling every 10 mins or so.... View More

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https://wiki.dmt-nexus.me/Cybs'_Hybrid_ATB_'Salt'_Tek The guide i used. Did you heat it at all??? We used a sous vide at 110f heat draws the dmt to the naptha
Like May 18, 2020
Thanks Patricia, I have tried the heat, did you find it pulls more out with it and crystals end up with a yellow color? I found this to make my mouth numb when vaped. With the tek above, crystals come out white and very little to no numbness leading me to think it pulls more 'pure'
Like May 18, 2020