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Furry trip sitters
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Mental health
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The gratitude group
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Love For Tye Dye
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Sananga TRIBE
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Psychedelics ยป Other Compounds

Status Update

So I have a question. Since I first tried dmt a couple months ago I've only had 2 breakthroughs but they were not like all the stories I hear. I've seen a ton of videos and talked to some people about... View More
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What we're your experiences ild like to swap stories with you mine have been mental and what I've seen has really opened my mind to what's really out there
Like September 6, 2024
I have shared most of my experiences on here on my page. One was a eagle and one was very animated.
Like September 6, 2024
Mine was of a budda that's was made.of eyes that just kept repeating and then I opened.my.eyes and my.whole.room.was like shaking and then I just lost myself and my.whole room.was.like spinning and I could see colours and shapes and I felt.so.at.ease like it wanted me.to go join it and I was so.read... View More
Like September 6, 2024