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Male. Lives in Texas, United States. Is in a relationship.
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I’m new to the site. I have also not had social media for the last 10 years and can be very socially... View More
Sananga TRIBE
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Psychedelics » Other Compounds
Cultivation of Visionary Cacti
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Psychedelics » Plants and Cultivation
Lively Liquid Culture
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Mental health
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Hope everyone is having a beautiful day today.
7 people like this.
Thank you, I hope the same for you.
Like September 9, 2024
thanks, buddy! 1f61b.png
Like September 9, 2024 Edited
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And then these are the biggest i have in my collection and that have been growing awesomely. And then 2 pictures of the whole san pedro family.
18 people like this.
Now this is dedication I love it. I've had the privilege of trying mescaline one time. It was amazing! I watched my corded Playstation controller slither away like a snake. My girl and I decided to get intimate on it and that was absolutely insane! It was so intense.
Like September 7, 2024
It left me with a very, everything's gonna be alright trip.
Like September 7, 2024
How does one get ahold of some of these?
Like September 9, 2024
San Pedro is legal to purchase sale and grow. You can pick them up at any nursery or even Home Depot sometimes in AZ.
Like September 9, 2024
shared a few photos
These are 10 more of the pedrito’s i have been growing. they’ve all been successful and have surpassed my expectations of how many would survive and root. You can see the new growth from the differenc... View More
shared a few photos
So these are the smallest of my baby pedrito’s, none of these have been put in soil yet just been letting them do their thing in an area with some shade
shared a few photos
These are the ones with the most growth. I bought some perlite and a miracle grow cactus food. Gonna be getting some pumice on friday as well, and then transplanting all of them into a better mixture.... View More
So 3 of these pieces i just had on a rack outside sprouted little babies, what a pleasant surprise, and awesome addition to the rest of the collection. Instead of making tea out of the pieces i am now... View More
11 people like this.
San pedro cactus cuttings. I had them just drying on a rack outside and they decided to grow anyways
Like August 8, 2024
You will be swimming in them before you know it
Like August 8, 2024
Like August 9, 2024
So far i have 19 viable cacti and hopefully some more in the coming month
Like August 10, 2024
was with Admin and 7 others
Much love to everyone out there today. Feeling good today. Finally turning this depression around. I was in a low for like 2 whole weeks. I'm bouncing back though. Peace profound.
14 people like this.
Very good.
Like August 5, 2024
Like August 7, 2024
I have these san pedro that are a couple weeks old, can i still use them and if so whats the best method to prepare them? Any and all help would be appreciated! Also i’m new to here so hello to everyo... View More
6 people like this.
Lucky charms
Welcome fellow pach lover Looks good to go if you pop them in the freezer for several hrs it makes it easier to pull off the Protective skin and spines before Processing the rest of it.
Like July 27, 2024
Matrix Breaker
Where I'm from people literally buy these off eBay...
Like July 27, 2024
I cut these off about a month ago, and theyve been sitting outside on a shelf exposed to the elements. Is there a certain window of time before they go bad? Also is there another method to process them besides boiling or is that the most recommended way of doing it?
Like July 27, 2024
Simmer. Don't boil.
Like August 9, 2024
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