Healer by Heart... Psychronaut by Choice
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Psychedelics » Plants and Cultivation
Psychedelics » Plants and Cultivation
Psychedelics » Plants and Cultivation
Psychedelics » DMT
Music and Audio
Its about to go down.. 11g heroic dose. Mixin music at 432hz. See Y'all on the other side of the vail.
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So how was your journey?
June 12, 2022

How was the ride? What variety did you do?
June 14, 2022

How do u live after 11g? I would never
June 14, 2022

That's wild. Sounds like that would be difficult. I am looking forward to hearing how it went.
June 14, 2022
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Lol I've spent many times in the kitchen floor looking at the cabinet drawers. One time when i was a kid my best friend, girlfriend ,and I were in the kitchen our faces probably inches away from the wood in complete awe in what we were witnessing when my mom came in and instantly knew something was... View More
This came to me while and shortly after blasting off through the fabric of the multiverse. I wrote it down right after before it dissolved forever out of my memory. It makes total sense."My mind is o... View More
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He definitely was a huge advocate and fighter to make all plant medicines legal. I'm proud to be apart of the Renaissance and glad that I have impacted people close to me by sharing what I researched. I gave my close mentor 5g and he was on top of his priorities after the journey we took together.
Icculus yikes, I wonder if he saw all of my debate convos. Lol. Just letting you know Dennis I really appreciate and love you for your openess and your years of research with your brother Terrence. It is very unique that you two had an inseparable bond as siblings while pursuing the plant medicine w... View More
New here... Would love to say Hey to each and every single one of you woke, brilliant, conscious human beings!!!
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Welcome! Glad to have ya man!! Do you have a particular interest you’re looking to learn about?
Thanks man!!! My main interest is to open my calcified third eye chakra. I have not had the easiest or best life by any means unfortunately. Im just trying to find myself and happiness by any means necessary. Its been a rough road brother.
June 11, 2022
Thanks brother!!! I already find this place very intriguing!!!