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Male. Lives in Afghanistan. Is single.
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2nd fruit of spring
Nice fat 1st pull
17 people like this.
It looks like thst cos it was scraped up still wet then dried i can assure u it was spice i was re x it in heptane so scraped up wet and it dried like that after re x i there was 3.2gram pure white crystals
Like May 8, 2021
I was gunna chime in aswell and say this looks like some soft i got once. Was a light tan colour. Im curious about your tek aswell though. Id like to compare your heptane product with other solvents and their products. How much heat was used in during the process? Were these room temperature pulls?
Like May 8, 2021
All i do is get shredded mhrb any amount up to a kg lol put in big ass pan fill with distilled water so it covers all the bark. I then freeze/thaw cycle 3 times on the 1st thaw cycle i add acid(citric acid or vit c powder or vineger) then i put stove on highish stir it collect red liquid(strain fru ... View More
Like May 9, 2021
I forgot to mention what makes big difference in the whiteness is after i combined boils i run that through a unbleached coffee filter so its pure aqua no bits or owt floating in it. When you boiled it down to 10% you can actually see the dmt ascorbate or watever acid was used dmt citride etc
Like May 9, 2021
Baby lophophora decipiens
4 people like this.
Nice fricii!
Like February 19, 2021
Its not a fricci its williamsii
Like February 19, 2021
Nice. It looks like a lot of the fricii I've been seeing sorry for the mixup
Like February 19, 2021
No worries lol its about 7 year old that one
Like February 19, 2021
The purge
11 people like this.
What tek if you dont mind me asking? That looks sexy
Like January 14, 2021
Crystal's growing nice
44 people like this.
Cali Uso cantelmotek works very well. Start with this last video and then go back and watch parts 1, 2, and 3. If you follow his steps you will get some nice crystals from your base solution. I was actually pretty surprised that not too much of the water evaporated during the crock pot cooking phase... View More
Like February 27, 2021
CaLi Uso
@Sir, no worries brutha. Contelmotek is for supern00b. Ive already mastered Cybs max ion tek =P
Like February 28, 2021
Cali Uso - hmmm, being this was from two months ago which I didn't catch at first you are way ahead of me I'm sure. I'll have to look into that one, not familiar with it. Dick! =P Don't take that last part personally. Ha.
Like March 2, 2021
CaLi Uso
@sirmorpheus... lol, look up cybs max ion tek, best way to understand the whole process... after first extraction i knew all i needed to know. He explains what to do and why we do it =]
Like March 2, 2021
shared a few photos
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Oscar Acosta
howd this occur?
Like January 5, 2021
I actually dont have a clue how this happened slow evaping solvent was no were near top of glass i have noticed its the oils xtals what is on top
Like January 5, 2021
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