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How long did it take you guys to get it right when you first started trying to grow your own stuff?
Any advise for beginners who aren’t having much luck?
6 people like this.
Mycingularity awesome. My first attempt i decided i was going straight to 60 quart monotubs. I had no experience and figured i would loose over half to contambrahs. I had no idea what the yeild would be or if it would grow at all. I was very confident in my agar skills as i had been doing agar c... View More
Like October 27, 2021
Hvatec nice! What kind of substrate do you tend to like best? I have a couple of 32qt tubs I plan to use. Have Golden teacher and some promising z-strain chewing through my agar beautifully right now.
Like October 27, 2021
@mycingularity i use the ultra simple 5 gallon bucket two quarts of verm 5.5 quarts of boiling distilled water and a brick of co co coir. Shake it every hour. Use it once it has cooled down. I have used the same mixture with a couple of handfulls of chopped up straw couldnt tell a difference. W... View More
Like October 28, 2021
I got lucky. Had first run success. I stacked the deck tho and ran 16 quart jars and had a couple that contaminated. I ran Bods Unmodified Shoe Box tek from shroomery. I did go to Dub-tubs after they fully colonized. Adter my second flush i have had some get dry bubble. I have even had trich durin... View More
Like October 28, 2021
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Came across this in a book I am reading. Anyone have any other ideas, thoughts, or suggestions?
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Mario sabino
What is the name of this book!?
Like October 20, 2021
Psilocybin Mushroom Handbook—Easy indoor and outdoor cultivation
Like October 20, 2021
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Lucky charms
Its not a total waste like bob ross says happy little accidents lesson 1 no more grow kits now lets clean up one of these cakes and spawn it and see what happens start with the one with a fruit on it see right here its your 1st mushroom and im sure more will follow
Like October 20, 2021
Just do one or try to follow instructions out? I have 10jars total, some are way more developed than others even though they were all started at the same time. I do see that one in the jar. What do I do with it, anything?
Like October 20, 2021 Edited
The last pic i posted on the feed was the remains of 2 contam jars of brf. I cut off the bad and crumbled the good. Was only a small amount so i mixed it with coco coir substrate and let it dit covered in foil for 10 days. Smaller batches keep contamination spreadminimal
Like October 20, 2021
I have 10 jars and 2 gal of perlite…. The directions say to place them close together, but I don’t know if i should. I need to do something in the next few days for sure. The kit I have turns into a fruiting chamber
Like October 20, 2021 Edited
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Doesnt seem to want to cover bottom…. Thoughts?
9 people like this.
Lucky charms
How are these looking been a few days now
Like October 16, 2021
Just trim thst part off before you dunk your cakes
Like October 16, 2021
CaLi Uso
The bottom is usually the last part to fill in. Like said it could need more time… if its been like that for 3-days without movement hopefully you birthed it. Any update?
Like October 16, 2021
I have yet to do anything (been sick) i put them in sept 15 so its been over 4 weeks….
Like October 19, 2021 Edited
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Well, I have found out what this discord is I keep seeing people talk about… well at least where its at. Doesn’t want to work for me. , I don’t see where to login for the web version eithe... View More
1 person likes this.
everytime i do that, it does the same thing shown in pictures
Like October 10, 2021
Oh damn. I don't know then, sorry!! Maybe an admin can help ya? Soph2020
Like October 10, 2021
Lucky charms
download the discord app make an account after that is done click on the discord invite link in the picture shown above
Like October 10, 2021
Once you have downloaded/installed and created an account with discord on your mobile device, you'll need to use an invite to join our server within the discord app. Here is where people run into problems... of you click a discord invite while using the DMTworld mobile app, it wont auto-op... View More
Like October 10, 2021
10 people like this.
do you know of any groups or ANYTHING in out area?
Like October 11, 2021
I sure don't. But then again, I've never really looked for em either
Like October 11, 2021
personally, I dont know anyone and feel like the only person around…. It feels great to know that theres even one person kinda close to me who is into psychedelics…. If that makes sense….
Like October 11, 2021
It does. I'm sure there are others. Let ur freak flag fly and they'll find you
Like October 12, 2021
Here is a magazine on Flipboard that I have been using to collect information re: psychedelics if anyone is interested.
https://flipboard.com/@imelissa/psychedelics-okse64aez?from=share&utm_source=fli... View More

As someone who is just starting out, it blows my mind how smart y’all are on the subject!! I have more books than I will ever have the time to read on mycology. What are some of the ways y’all learned... View More
21 people like this.
do you have any particular books in mind? I have a ton. Not sure how to share them on here, but I am sure I could work something out.
Like October 10, 2021 Edited
My amazon cart is full of a lot of psychotherapy, integrative psychology, neurobiology, and psychadelic chemistry books atm. Most of the mycology stuff I've found online, but the "whats happening, how does this work, how do I integrate it" questions are a bit harder so I went the textbook route. I... View More
Like October 10, 2021
I am so interested in all that as well!!! I learned while in college that nearly every book is available online for free if you dig enough or know the right places to look. I have ended up with more books than I will read in this lifetime…. I want all the knowedge… haha
Like October 11, 2021 Edited
I am a hoarder of books and knowledge myself haha! I can't get enough, I want all the answers and all the questions, all the worlds and poems and experiences swirling around inside the billions of entities coming and going from our little sliver of the multiverse.
Like October 11, 2021
Its been raining and my yard is full of mushrooms. Anyone know what these are?
1 person likes this.
Theyre not wavy caps, look like what i call deer mushrooms. Do a spore print to confirm.
Like October 8, 2021
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