on October 10, 2021
Well, I have found out what this discord is I keep seeing people talk about… well at least where its at. Doesn’t want to work for me. , I don’t see where to login for the web version either.
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everytime i do that, it does the same thing shown in pictures
Like October 10, 2021
Oh damn. I don't know then, sorry!! Maybe an admin can help ya? Soph2020
Like October 10, 2021
Lucky charms
download the discord app make an account after that is done click on the discord invite link in the picture shown above
Like October 10, 2021
Once you have downloaded/installed and created an account with discord on your mobile device, you'll need to use an invite to join our server within the discord app. Here is where people run into problems... of you click a discord invite while using the DMTworld mobile app, it wont auto-op... View More
Like October 10, 2021