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Male. Lives in Montreal, Canada. Born on June 15, 2001. Is single.
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We are consciousness having an human experience and not the other way around so chill take the oppor... View More
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Nothing better than a Lsd trip to get abs XD
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Love all the Canadians here, there's a small army of us!
Like October 6, 2020
Got 5 of those XP
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so anyone here ate from the adl52? im think a little change can make a big diffrent specially if we talk about lsd
Like October 3, 2020
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i cant understand why something is legal if it turn to illegal in blood.. lsd should be legal soon
Like October 3, 2020
Its not legal, its unscheduled but one in possession of it could potentially be prosecuted with the same severity as LSD under the analogue act
Like October 4, 2020
I always heard it as yellow sunshine acid lol
Like October 4, 2020
Recieved my 5 meo dmt
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Been considering growing my own shroom anyone would be volunteer to be my teacher XP
Can we buy dmt in Canada or we have to extract it ourselves?
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You government don't want us to see the truth wtf XD XD actually mixing or overdosing can kill but IDK
Like September 13, 2020
I thought everything was legal in Canada
Like September 13, 2020
Wait never mind GHB is illegal haha
Like September 13, 2020
GBL is legal though so it's really easy for people to produce it. That's why it's easily misconstrued as legal.
Like October 5, 2020
Yo guys does a weed vaporizer works for smoking dmt and thing like that?
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A dry herb vape is... "ok" if you rest the dmt on top of some bud and/or ash. You are much better off with a wax/concentrate vape. Keep it between 10 and 25watts or about 3v. for optimal vapor without burning.
Like September 13, 2020
Hey guys I just bought 5 meo Dmt and I was wondering if I should try dmt first or not? ????????
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@dzephyr good advice, but most people commenting on this post have encouraged caution. I only see one suggestion to “hero yourself into the state” and several on why to be cautious. I just don’t understand that comment. No big deal.... different perceptions I guess.
Like September 12, 2020
Thank you for explaining. I think you are correct. I wasn’t following you clearly, but I see what you mean now. The stoners leading the stoned around here.
Like September 12, 2020
Joey Green
MrKitten just shared some very wise comments, observations and advice that no doubt results from hard earned experience. It may be prudent to read his comment a few times to help clarify what hes saying. DZephyr also kindly offered some valuable wisdom. If you have never even tried DMT and have ac... View More
Like September 13, 2020
Yeah my writing skills are little bit chaotic 1f642.png I am glad I could share my personal experience here. We are all just travelers arent we 1f642.png We might be taking different roads but final of our journey is the same. Positive vibes bzz bzz bzz.
Like September 14, 2020
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