Noobie, trying to learn and grow my own medicine
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Mycology » Psilocybin
heatherdawn shared...
My only experience was from my first grow with the berries so idk if Brown rice or other grains have a different smell?...
Does anyone know if colonized grain that smells sweet is ok? Im experimenting for my second grow and made 3 jars 1 using popcorn, 1 using wbs, 1 using brown rice and when I went to spawn to bulk the b... View More
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Does anyone know if colonized grain that smells sweet is ok? Im experimenting for my second grow and made 3 jars 1 using popcorn, 1 using wbs, 1 using brown rice and when I went to spawn to bulk the b... View More
Blueish greenish 24 hours after soaking shoebox what should I do? It was my first grow, first flush was healthy and strong. I soaked for 2 hours in distilled water and used pint glasses to weigh it do... View More
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Bruising ..... if ever in doubt, simply take a qtip and rub it on your suspect areas .... if the green color comes off onto the qtip .... its contamination..... if it doesn’t rub off .... its bruising
First grow!!!!! Thanks everyone for sharing your knowledge and support!! I have alot to learn but so ecstatic to start microdosing journey now (:
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Congratulations on your first flush well done friend here's to many more to come what kind of cubs u working with here
Thank you!! Columbian Rust, its been the longest slowest 6 weeks of my life I swear but the last 36 hours they just started popping off!
October 13, 2020
Once there at this stage they grow so fast it will be harvest time soon
I have GT I just put to fruiting yesterday, In hopes to diversify and set up chances of success I bought both spore syringes and innoculated 8/29 but the GT took forever to colonize grain bag so they are about 10 days behind but looking really good! This is my first experience ever growing or trying... View More
October 14, 2020
Looking for advice on first grow, seems dry but humidity is 99 7 fruiting, any advice appreciated (:
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That makes sense! What would you do? Dunk, inject, leave alone, other...
October 9, 2020
Thank you, i wish my notifications were working dang, but do YOU think it looks dry? You seem experienced and I am just so confused since i have nothing to compare it to... somebody told me it looked dry, somebody else ssid it was fine and I think im locked in analysis paralysis
Thank you all so much❤️ i will follow your advice and keep you updated!
October 10, 2020