Ink Me
117 members General
Show me your Tatts! I also want to see what you are planning for your next tat or two.......
Anastasia's Apothecary
55 members General
Herbal remedies have been used worldwide for centuries; nature providing all the body, mind, and spirit need for a healthy, buoyant, and serene way of life. Anastasia's Apothecary is a group devoted to sharing knowledge, use, and experience with herbs, plants, roots, spices, cacti, and mushrooms from all parts of the world. From historical, medicinal, culinary, cultivation, ornamental, tonics, or essential oils, Anastasia's Apothecary is the place to share insightful discussion and most importantly honor our ancestors with knowledge passed down upon generations. All members are strongly encouraged to participate with their discoveries. It is lovingly requested that any discussions are delivered with forethought and respect amongst everyone in this community. See you soon!
Tea Lovers
95 members General
Camellia sinensis originated in southeast Asia, specifically around the intersection of latitude 29°N and longitude 98°E, the point of confluence of the lands of northeast India, north Burma, southwest China and Tibet. The plant was introduced to more than 52 countries, from this centre of origin.
191 members General
Show us your edibles! Chocolates, gummies, brownies, cakes! Anything you make or bake! :)
Explain Your Name
131 members General
Wanna get to know each other in a fun way? We've all come up with some pretty interesting names for our selves. Some of them are personal with stories behind them, some of them have some sort of meaning and some of our names are just plain silly. Tell us how you came up with your name and what it means to you.