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Status Update

Well i have just had my first ever gut wrenchingly terrifying (still not mad about it) expierence on DMT that I've ever had. I don't know what to make of it, but do feel i have a new found understandi... View More
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All psychs have the tendency of forcing u to face your own demons☯️
Like May 24, 2021
Ive had an experience with what i can only describe as ‘shadow people’ as well. I was on mushies at the time and the entities were present open eyed in my peripheral vision. They had wavey appendages, were darker and had a shadow like appeareance, and i could see thru them. I never got an evil vibe,... View More
Like May 24, 2021
I have a similar experience. They moved acrossed my walls from painting to painting trying to hide when they knew i could see them
Like May 26, 2021
Wow thanks for sharing everyone! It helps a lot hearing your thoughts and opinions.
Like May 30, 2021