Took this photo the other day. Reminds me of when i had conversations with the trees. Their language is beautiful.
Well i have just had my first ever gut wrenchingly terrifying (still not mad about it) expierence on DMT that I've ever had. I don't know what to make of it, but do feel i have a new found understandi... View MoreWell i have just had my first ever gut wrenchingly terrifying (still not mad about it) expierence on DMT that I've ever had. I don't know what to make of it, but do feel i have a new found understanding or perception of "shadow people". This is what I typed out right after i met face to face (in my mind) with an out right evil space entity.... So I just hit my dmt and layed down closed my eyes in silence and was met with this giant faceless almost whimsical cloth like being. It was this off-black colored "man" moving about in space. No arms or legs just streamer like limbs flosting about. I got this feeling of sheer terror almost immediately and this shadow creature just exuded this "destroyer of worlds" type of vibe and almost new I could see it.I'll have to draw it and add it to this post later. It's not the first time I've seen a creature similar just never one sooooooo fucking evil. I get the feeling that it deliberately takes pleasure from the fear that it produces and the fact that it's prey knows that it will take pleasure in devouring it and it's entire species... What in the actual fuck. If its real I pray for us all cause the fucker was immensely powerful. ????????
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