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Sananga TRIBE
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Psychedelics ยป Other Compounds
Dr.Salamander's lab
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Status Update

Well I was scammed outta $326 and they tried to get another $850 out of me smh. O well. I was starting to regret my decision not to just make my own anyway. It seems more personal. I'm a enjoys the jo... View More
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To avoid emulsion don't shake your jars so hard that it tightens up your bark..... I always leave space in my jars that way it mixes well so. You can watch a million videos and you can read a million different things documented on extractions but it is truly a trial by error, as long as you've got t... View More
Like July 13, 2024 Edited
Yeah I read about just flipping it over a bunch of times instead of shaking it. Thanks for the tip. I'm kinda nervous about it because I feel like this is something I need to do but I can never find the stuff so I'm gonna make it. If that don't work I'll be pretty disappointed. I have faith though.
Like July 13, 2024
Joey Green
This post should be stickied or something to help dissuade the steady trickle of folks showing up here for the first time looking to source....... It's amazing to me that this even requires saying .... but .....cmon folks! Use your head! Anyone offering to sell you something illegal online is und... View More
Like July 13, 2024
Lol either way it made perfect sense and this is why I've decided to just make it myself. I believe I'll enjoy that experience a lot more that way.
Like July 13, 2024