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How many times can you do a grain to grain transfer before it unviable
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3 generations seems to be the norm, but you can push it to 5,from what I have read providing your spawn is perfectly health after than it goes down hill rapidly, I haven't gone past 3rd gen so cannt offer any further advise although I do believe that mycomadness has vids going to 5th Gen
Like October 25, 2020
Cool thank you
Like October 25, 2020
yea GTG for me is a 50-50 on contams agar works fine tho grow it out and get some clones
Like October 25, 2020
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Alright 3rd time
Do i sterilize my vermiculite if i want to use it for casing
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So when your waiting for your grain to fully inoculate do you keep it in the dark are some light?
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Like September 16, 2020
So i dumped my substrate around these elephant ears and they started growing but i scared shitless to eat them what you all think are they edible growing outside
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There is nothing to worry, even with poisonous fungi plants just take the mycilium nitogen nothing else, plants always live with some fungi around they are cooperative but don't exchange alkaloids.
Like September 4, 2020
Yes it's safe
Like September 6, 2020
Gift from the wife ????big things
14 people like this.
She's a keeper! And so is the wife!
Like September 4, 2020
This faberware PC was my first workhorse. I still use it on the reg but just for grain prep. I just recently stepped up to a 22qt, and before it came in i caught the last presto 16qt at Walmart and went ahead and bought it also. You can and will do TONS with that PC right there but if it opens the d... View More
Like September 5, 2020
Ya i doing popcorn in it I already looking to up grade big plans lol
Like September 5, 2020
You'll hear mixed reviews and maybe even some people on here that dislike it but you can't beat the price of, and if you are careful with it, clean it properly and inspect ot before each use, you won't have problems... The 22QT Mirro PC on Amazon is a banger for the price. They're back ordered but t... View More
Like September 5, 2020
Second try a bust dam
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I feel your pain
Like September 3, 2020
Doctor Tatan
is this bulk? it has happened to me in the past as well, sorry about that bro.. anyone knows how can you reduce tricho contamination when doing bulk with pasteurisation process?
Like September 3, 2020
Dont give up, 3rd time wqs the charm for me. You will be rewarded for your persistence
Like September 3, 2020
Dont give up! You got this!
Like September 4, 2020
When theres chorus to be done around the house
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So i accidentally sprayed alchohol on my grow about a week ago and now i cant tell if its brisued are contaminated
1 person likes this.
Act now, cut it out and save what you can, bin the rest, imo
Like August 28, 2020
O im pissed at myself
Like August 28, 2020
Having a fruit fly problem any suggestions
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Lifted from google, Like vinegar, fruit flies love the smell of wine. Try leaving out an open bottle with a little leftover liquid — the skinny neck will keep the flies trapped. The Old Farmer's Almanac also recommends using stale beer to attract fruit flies to a DIY trap. Add a couple of drops of d... View More
Like August 28, 2020
Cool thanks
Like August 28, 2020
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