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Can anyone recommend a good place to buy some mimosa hostilis in the UK? I'm looking to make my own dmt pretty soon and would appreciate any help you can give. Thanks in advance
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https://www.mimosaroot.com/?v=79cba1185463 what ever you do dont order powdered. Shredded is fine. Medium too high quality. Fast shipping
Like February 13, 2020
Prime Bark
Thanks for the kind words Soph2020 we have 2kg left of powder in the UK, after that we will start shipping from mainland Europe. One love <3
Like February 13, 2020
Less likely to get through customs
Like February 13, 2020
PRE-powdered will be oxadized and need to be treated differently rhen chips you powder rhen immediatly use .....
Like February 14, 2020
How easy is it to get dmt where you live?
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-whispers- Dont tell anyone
Like February 4, 2020
Lol ok
Like February 4, 2020
And no its def on my list joe rogan i mean
Like February 4, 2020
Super common around the city . Especially at shows and fests
Like February 4, 2020
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