I have tried mushrooms few times after the first one I posted The other ones were not as intense, idk if it is because I let my shroomies sit for a while or what, one trip was especially intense and c... View More
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Chanting certainly helps lol. Good luck.
March 12, 2024
May 7, 2023
Hello some background: I am a male in late twenties, I am into meditation and accepting letting go of ego, this is skill is just a gem when it comes to psychedelics because I found the more I can let go of ego the smoother everything is , I don't even feel an identification with my name and I don't want to define myself which really helps
I had few experiences with acid and less than gram of shroom(the shrooms had no effect on me before this trip)
, I took about 2 to 3 gram of golden teacher, I did acid before few times and had less than a gram of mushroom (which never did a thing)
So this was my first time tripping on mushroom
I hated the physical pains with acid like nausea and migraines, as well as I heard mushrooms are more introspective, which is great because I am alone and got very limited channels of socialization
I prepped the mushrooms by crushing them , added juice of one fresh lemon, mixed it up and wait for 20 mins approx with mixing every like 5 mins
Then made little amount of ginger tea on the side and added it to the lemon tek
Made a correct setting and atmosphere and had everything beside me that I might need (drinks, food, candles, cigarettes, incense)
I put on a music I like (these are my roots by Mike love) lit candle and incense ,meditated and drank the cup of lemon tek ginger with 2 gulps
The taste was pretty tolerable
It took about 45 mins to one hour for the effects to be noticeable, always leg muscles weakness
Positives :
-no jaw pain , no nausea (just gassy, make sure you can fart whenever you need to)
-No migraine (I am pretty sure turning off lights helped a lot, make sure to turn settings on screens to lowest and reduce artificial light as much as you can)
Over all it was solid that I can focus on the trip with no distractions
Highlights and effects of the trip:
1- everything seemed much funnier that if anyone saw me they would think I am a total lunatic, the funniness seems to stem from the absurdity of everything.
2- I felt creatures around me, plants and animals breath to me and I felt connection with them, I had easier time connecting with the house I was living in and feeling it and what it feels about me,
My house revealed to me that it has a soul, once I questioned how can that be since it is human constructed out of inanimate objects
It pointed that I am also made of inanimate objects (feelingless molecules, atoms and such)
So using my logic would deny my subjective feeling of life which would be fallacy
The house was content and accepting of me just like I was accepting of it , it let me do my thing and knows how much I care about it even tho I didn't think about how much I care about it, I just did
The house is built on 1920 it has seen a lot and it's like a wise old creature that goes with the flow and is content by what it is, and loves being a house,
I promised it that I will renovate it to make it look somewhat more new, the house didn't count on me but I could feel that it felt my warmth towards it and cool with what I do and would be thankful.
The grass and plants in my yard waved at me everytime I looked at them as if it was a thank you for letting them experience life even for a little a bit (because I have been too lazy to trim or mow my 1 acre yard)
I drove car just like 12 mins away and bought cigarettes in the middle of my trip (about 3 hours in)
The driving was easy but needed a clear mind and focus, staying or acting normal wasn't easy and I was afraid to be spotted as being on something (I had an unbelievable urge to burst laughing at how everyone is acting so serious, it was so absurd and funny)
But I did it correctly got my cigarettes and drove home , the biggest struggle during the drive was definitely not letting anxiety or fear take hold.
Then I came back home and felt safe and spent rest of the trip looking at funny stuff over the internet and write things to fb friend I newly met.
Let me know your thoughts ????
Hello, is it mushroom foraging time yet in Miami Valley? I went looking 2 weeks ago it was too cold
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Well hey there neighbor! I think the season is just starting. We have had a ton of rain up until the past few days so get out and check it out!