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Male. Lives in Virginia, United States. Is single.
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Open minded with a huge heart. Positive love to all.
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Need help from LSD vets. My buddy asked me if i knew what this guy was talking about. I didnt want to tell him the person sounded shady as i have never heard of this. Anyone know what this may be all ... View More
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No.... The reason you use foil is because it keeps out UV rays and moisture LSD molecule is sensitive but not that sensitive that the aluminum foil will change the compound.....Normal aluminum is pretty unreactive since its surface is coated with a thin layer of oxide (Al2O3) that protects the eleme... View More
Like February 10, 2020
Awesome guys. Thank you so much. I just never heard of that. In terms of the jaw clenching and body hurting the next day. I've actually had that with a candy flip. And I know if you add any amphetamine or anything into your experience. It certainly can be a factor but LSD by itself. I've never had a... View More
Like February 11, 2020
Has anybody here ever tried to do the Wim Hof breathing and simultaneously smoke DMT?
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Ive done it huffing a blunt stick into a gas mask bing ir hurt realy bad
Like January 31, 2020
I've been doing the Wim Hof now for a few weeks. I fasted for 2 days took psilocybin yesterday and last night during the peak I smoked DMT and did the Wim Hof. OMG! This was way more intense with the Wim Hof. It was crazy I was riding a serpent and it was slithering back and forth. I'm still trying ... View More
Like February 2, 2020
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Anyone use B Caapi on its own? Interesting science claiming it can help nuerogenesis , depression, and parkinsons. The alkoloids in it. Almost all studies include DMT, but some claim on its own it ca... View More
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Like January 21, 2020
Not caapi but I use Syrian Rue a few times a month. A lot of the same alkaloids.
Like January 21, 2020
Bencmcp, nice. What kind of dose do you use? What kind of effects? Any combinations with the Rue that you enjoy other than DMT?
Like January 22, 2020
I only take about 3 grams. I will take 4-6 grams if I want to extend a vaporized DMT trip or if I am going to take any orally. I have taken it with mushrooms and it was pretty intense. I don't take it with any other substances. A 3 gram dose gives me a warm relaxed feeling that is good for meditatio... View More
Like January 22, 2020
posted a trip report.
10 people like this.
Great report man. Its nice when people can remember the smaller details, individual thought patterns. The only thing id be interested in learning is your prior experience with psychedelics before this experience.
Like January 27, 2020
Wow!!Thanks for taking us on yoir journey with us
Like January 27, 2020
Looking for help. I have gel tabs lsd. Ive always had paper. i am microdosing. Took 2 150 micros into 30ml of distilled water. 1ml will yield the 10 micros im looking to use on a dose. So do i have t... View More
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They are obviously not Ideal but they will dissolve at room temperature - you should be more worried that they are great food for bacteria. You shouldn't heat the water - LSD immediately decomposes at 80°C according to chemspider
Like December 21, 2019 Edited
Just an update. Its been 4 days and it still hasn't disolved even a little bit. So in case anyone wants to know it doesnt seem to work. In a few days i will drink the water and see if any of it leaked into the water. Got to love the experiments lol
Like December 25, 2019
How about using alcohol to dissolve then add to the distilled water
Like January 19, 2020
Logo i am working on. Thinking about creating a shirt.
Wishing everyone a wonderful night. Much love to all...
Happy Thanksgiving!!!
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T rex ophora
Great mug!!!
Like November 28, 2019
Pedro Juice!
Like November 29, 2019
Like November 29, 2019
Lsd and haunted house? Good idea? How many of you would do it?
4 people like this.
Done it several times myself. Good idea? Ehh. Fun? Can be! Dark? Fuck yeaaa
Like October 19, 2019
So fun!
Like October 19, 2019
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