by on August 18, 2020

There are 1 - 2 months left of my microdosing journey with iboga: the plant teacher.  My mind doesn't feel the same after some time already on the microdose.  1 gram daily is making my mind feel more positive and it's opening up a new way of thinking for me in there.  

I went from feeling low to feeling quite positive.  It's a whole lot easier to observe my thoughts now in a whole new light.  I'll smoke weed but not feel like buying any more for the rest of the month keeping in mind that I have no money on me really.  It's a mind opening experience teaching me a way out of my problems with doing too many drugs or possibly spending too much when I have not much to spend whatsoever.

There is a smarter thought process going on in my brain I feel right now.  The plant teacher gave me a way out and I'm thankful for it.  I feel that I found a blessing and that this drug is a miracle cure for addiction, and a negative mood.  If anyone gets a chance to get their hands on any then I'd say in the right sort of situation that that is definitely something special.  To feel this feeling is something special right now for me at least; think blissful.


Posted in: Ibogaine
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270c.png2665.png I already feel a whole lot less negative. It's a feeling that I feel I've needed for some time now. I can see the benefits impacting me and making me get over problems I may not have ever gotten over without this feeling in me.
Like August 18, 2020 Edited
You got it all figured out. The other tricky part to remove the veils is the light work. We should discuss this yea?!!
Like August 18, 2020
We shall. Sounds like a plan. 1f609.png
Like August 18, 2020
Sweet !
Like August 18, 2020