Shaman Wizard
by on March 26, 2020
I took one hit and watched as the ceiling was flooded with patterns
Then took another and saw a tunnel and i was running to the end of it but it was like a tuberband bringing me back so i took one more big hit and i Was at. A house outside then a door opened and i tryed walking to the door but got stuck like a hook pulling me back and i got hyper focused on that things holding me (i believe to mean i get focused on one thing to hard and wht holds me back)
Then i was walking threw the streets of a town but no one was out exept this man in the black plague doctor masks sitting on the floor resting his back on the wall head down sick looked like he was dieing and he opened his hand and a rossery fell out of his hand and then i woke up but i was like NO! Wht does this mean closed my eyes tryed to force myself back and all i saw was a dragon like creature destroying the town engulfing it in this flame like substance and ripping the roofs off buildings and i once again awoke
Posted in: DMT, Meditation
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Shaman Wizard
Like March 26, 2020