by on January 14, 2020
I'd like to start this off by firstly stating that I have not had a break through experience myself yet. So this comes from personal experience of being a slightly more advanced beginner.
In this article I'd like to talk about the middle dose. "The tunnel" A common area to be trapped by a beginners experience.
I feel it can be brushed past with the glorification of higher beings and entities. Where as, it can be an important part of the whole dmt experience. Many struggle to have a break through within their first attempts. I'll be going from a personal standpoint as everybodies experiences are unique. I will be briefly going over some details from a lower dose experience also. I hope you enjoy. If anybody has any other inputs they would like to add in the comments please feel free.
The tunnel as I and many others like to call it, is achieved by a common middle dose. A second large hit of an average 40mg measurement. However this can be reached by lower doses. The first hit (or toke) achieves an unrealistic, open eyed view of our reality. Many have stated this to represent very computer like graphics giving the feeling that our reality is a simulation. As if a real world is pushing through the atoms and you see clearly for the first time. These visuals are usually made up of a heightened sence of your surroundings. A 180° perspective is a common expectation. Colour saturation begins to brighten and you may have trails from moving subjects. A transparent sort of Fractal pattern will cover mostly every surface.
Closing your eyes will bring you a sense of familiarity to a room of Fractal colours spiralling between a Venn diagram type colour wheel. Colour variations may differ from trip to trip. No two experiences are the same. Sometimes bright and sometimes dark colours will dominate most of your visuals. I have found the more vibrant ones to be the most pleasant, which seem to be more frequent than the darker spectrum. Both are enjoyable in their own right. Euphoria and warmth will often complete this with pulses through your body. There is no point during this first area of which your perception is changed. You stay completely sober and quite often feel more sober than you've ever felt. Upon seeing and feeling this new realm build around you, you take a second large hit of the dose.
This seems to propel you forward, like a gravitating push. Large open Fractal rooms begin to form and you move from one to another as if through doorways faster and faster. You may experience a shift in time at this point. Days, weeks, months or years may occur in a split second. Everything is now at full speed and you observe a world flitting past. It can be quite a struggle and rather disorientating. Although it seems that this tunnel is a time loop/portal, the post trip experience seems to undo these impressions. Time only appears to feel like 5 or 10 minutes as it should afterwards.
Your perspective, in a conscious manner and a visual view point, may split into a multiple awareness during this exploration. As an example you may experience being four of yourself at once. Another example is viewing several angles of one or more subject matters all at once. I would say from my recollection an ego loss begins at this stage. Losing a sense of self has proven to be very difficult. The tunnel is a moment you are being taken from one reality to another higher dimensional reality. In order for your consciousness to transcend, you must let go of who you are as a being and a personality. This can be very testing as to lose your self being is to actively agree to die. A decision many choose to ignore. Although in most cases it is easier to let go than to fight the experience. To achieve full transcendence and break through this would be where you take another hit. This can be very difficult as you have begun to lose track on our known reality. You have most likely forgotten your existence here and would need a friends guidance to help take another dose.
The geometry that I have came across is a never-ending stream of complex, digitalised, vibrant, morphing imagery. There's a feeling of ansestory and nostalgia about this whole construct, although it is hard to pinpoint the location of the source itself. There are many different structures which can be found in the dmt realm. Resonating Aztec, Egyptian, Mayan and Hindu style pattern work, amongst many others. This includes completely alien constructs and archetypal imagery. More often than not striped imagery will appear. These images sometimes include tentacle like architecture. Very spherical eyes are often presented giving you a sense that this world is alive. All visuals are constantly morphing creating new imagery consistently. This also applies to the first hit.
The tunnel seems to come to an end abruptly if not taken further with another large hit. After effects include a digitalised reality and neon tubular type open eyed visuals. Laughter and confusion may be added with the after effects.
I would say a low dose or one large hit is most effective for a pleasurable, euphoric feeling coupled with abstract, colourful, Fractal visuals. I have heard from many that a large three hit dose seems to be the best way to ease through an ego death, as you are pushed through the other end of the tunnel with no exception. As if bursting through a membrane as Terence Mckenna once discribed.
Once your trip has come to an end, there is a recommended one hour waiting period. This is for your tolerance to reset to zero. Otherwise you may be wasting your supply and will not get the experience you are looking for.
I hope you enjoyed the read.
And don't forget stay safe, stay trippy ✌
Posted in: DMT
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Do you know your breathing in this immersed consciousness? As I. You can still feel and control your breathing?
Like February 5, 2020
Very nice
Like February 6, 2020
After the second hit for me, it takes my breathe away and makes me feel like I'm not breathing anymore. I even count to 10 in my head because i know what to expect lol
Like February 7, 2020
Thanks for the input. I've never personally experienced the breath part. I've heard it's like the air in the room gets sucked out but for me I'm already forgetting this reality to really notice it.
Like February 8, 2020