by on December 26, 2019
Christmas day i took 10g of fresh truffels, OMG what a ride. After i ate the truffels i sat started watching TV and smoking a little cannabis as I waited for the trip to start. After a bit i knew it was about to hit, i could feel it. I went from sitting to laying down. I turned off TV to enjoy this fully. A warm sensation came all over, knowing it had begun I let myself go with it. My body felt like it was vibrating at this time i closed my eyes. After a few seconds i could see colors in a straight line. Knowing more can come i did not fight it I let loose and accepted it. Glad i did. The color lines started to turn to a kaleidoscope type shapes. I was in amazement letting go even more letting it take over complete. Once i did this the colors began to take mechanical shapes, oh yea machine elfs came in beautiful colors with big smiles gears moving and changing. In a state of ah the elfs said ok the only thing the said. Then a female shape appeared she had no face just a female outline she was made of lines of colors many colors. She was so beautiful yet no physical beauty besides a female outline. Her color lines would vibrate and move across her. I felted so loved and warm. I could not touch here but felt her at the same time. She did speak to me for a bit. After she faded i went to a dark place. It was scary but i was not afraid. I saw a light and floated to it. Once i got to light colors came in like from beginning, kaleidoscope, then machine elfs again. This time a few would flout around me and felt like something was stripped away. What they took i knew i didnt want it back. After that they said ok, that made me open my eyes. I could see color lines all over ceiling they vibrated. I closed eyes to get visuals again but couldn't. After that i was vibing for hours feeling so nice. Even this morning i still feel what was taken had not returned and i am so glad and happy. Also made me realize i am a real asshole, I need be nicer I can still joke and all just need to know limits and be better. It was a great experience i believe i came out better. Thanks for reading my trip report.
Posted in: Psilocybin