by on December 23, 2019

I woke up Saturday morning and decided that I wanted to eat a healthy does of Mushrooms so I proceeded to eat 4g worth since you know on a empty stomach would be the best time to do it. So I am sitting there playing some "The Outer Worlds" and its been about a good hour and I am only seeing little trails but that is about it. I then had this urge to go to my room and when I got there I just feel face first into my bed and then it started.

A little back story here. Ive recently found out through meditation that I have a blockage in my heart chakra and have been working on clearing it as of lately. Another thing I did was say in my head that I will use DMT for healing and shrooms will be for fun. Which I think was one of my mistakes....

So I am laying in my bed and all of the sudden I feel this surge go through my body and I am starting to twitch a lot. As I am feeling this surge I start to feel resistance and my body is tensing up while I am grabing my bed like I am going to fall off it. While this is happening I am getting flashes of emotions especially ones from my child hood which where full for lonelyness and dispair. Im tearing up and snot is coming out of my nose like crazy and its just a wave of calm and relaxed to tension and holding on for dear life.

While this is happening for some reason I started to remeber a DMT trip I had which I forgot all about. I only remeber pieces of it right now but the high level of it was that this life we live in is just one big cosmic game. For some reason when I remebered that I started to laugh.

So this went on for about 5hours on and off. I would be fine and then the emotions would start to come and I would breath heavy and tense up. As much as this sounds like a bad trip I see it as a good on because everytime I would start to not be so tense I could feel this flow of energy through my body. During this experince I could help but think this was like my Ayahuasca ceremony as that too healed my body.

Needless to say I am in what I think is shock right now as I am not sure what to make of this. So that is my trip report, I will be attempting 5g soon and will share what happens with that one.

Posted in: Psilocybin