by on December 22, 2019
Forgive me for my long story telling. I struggle to not be so discriptive.
I had asked a friend recently if he could get some dmt and my nerves had been racing ever since. He's a good friend who is very trustworthy for trip sitting. I had never tried any form of psychedelic but had done a lot of research before investing into trying myself.
I'd read Dr Rick strassmens spirit molecule books among watching lots of Joe rogan and trip reports on YouTube etc.
I'll start the story at my arrival to my friends, where him and another were sat in the front room ready to start straight away. They calmed my nerves with some good music and a nice cup of tea and some water and trip stoppers at hand (irrelevant with the timeframe of dmt).
My heart racing, I began asking questions with clammy palms. I was settled with my friends both telling me there was nothing to worry about as you stay sober during your experience and they'll start me off lightly. Fractal patterns and staying coherent. We had decided it was best for me to watch their experiences first to give me a better understanding on how long the time frame will be and how connected to reality you still are on this first level.
I waited a minute and finally dived in to take my first hit. The vape was harsh and my technique was very poor I had a very light euphoria and colour saturation brightened the pressure of the room tightened. It was very brief and nothing much had happened. I was left with a faint hue of another world behind the reality walls and the excitement for want of trying more.
An hour to pass and reset our tolerance to zero and I could try again.
The clock had ticked and it was time for my second attempt. The nerves had reappeared but the excitement was far more attractive to me.
I leaned in and began the pull of the first hit. The vape smoke harsher than last and now my friend beginning to help with a lighter of his own. I coughed. The anxiety of embarrassment flooded me and I couldn't take more. My friend reassured me and helped me relax. Kicking my feet up on the foot stool he had pushed my direction.
The walls began to vibrate. Colour saturation intensified and the blanket of reality came alive with Fractal transparency. A world beyond our world showing itself with a slight push through the atoms. My field of vision expanded and my peripheral sight was sharp and distinct. The effect was very similar to the film 'limitless' when they show his visual effects as the drug hits. I could see both sides whilst looking towards the TV displaying 'A$AP Rocky - L$D' on YouTube (my choice of song). The walls suddenly burst into fractals. My friend taking notice to the bewildered expression on my face, tells me to close my eyes.
The only words I could muster for my discription...
Both friends: "there you go, that's a proper first level hit."
Still aware of my reality and enjoying the music I accepted the visuals I was being handed by dmt. Like a vivid room of colour I am now sat in, both here and there. 3 discs of yellow/orange tone swamped my vision, shaped much like a Venn diagram. The centre of which had an impossible inward morphing shape, rotating clockwise but staying in its original position (which doesn't make sense when I read that back). The inner Fractal had smooth edges and familiarity to old nostalgia. Like a childhood cartoon you watched, except I couldn't pinpoint any specifics. Recognisable imagery would appear and disappear as fast as they came. The colour spectrum a purple and crimson opposition to the outer wheels of yellow and orange. The feeling of pure bliss and nirvana overflowing my mind. My heart picked up and the euphoria pulsed through my body with warmth. I relaxed all my muscles forcing the effect to strengthen with the acceptance of what was happening. I continued to ride out the visuals and embracing hug pleasantly. Pleased with the outcome, I became discriptive to my friends until it settled and I opened my eyes. Looking towards my friends with strong opacity and faint lucid ouras my trip fizzled out.
My first level 1 dmt experience had finished but would not be my last.
Hope you enjoy the read.
Stay safe, stay trippy ✌x
7 people like this.
It's so nice like whirlpool fractals glittering out of existence
Like December 23, 2019
Vic R Boom
Definitely. And I feel like I keep an endorphin bump for a while after that.
Like December 23, 2019
Yeah same I not long took a trip and it took me like half an hour to read your comment because I was still having the afterglow with endorphins running haha.
Like December 23, 2019 Edited
What are trip stoppers? Ive never heard of such a thing
Like February 29, 2020