by on December 20, 2019
So a little backstory, to kick things off. I had DMT one other time, given to me by my dad, but it was a very small amount, doing very little. At this point in my life I was attempting to repair my relationship with my father, who spent more time getting drunk and doing meth than developing relationships with his family. He and I had been talking about my psychedelic use, and how it had helped me with my anxiety and major depression. I had mentioned a DMT a handful of times, always saying it was something I was interested in.
One day, while I am smoking a cigarette, he texts me and asks if DMT can come in a cartridge. I said yes, but unless you put it in there it's hard to be sure If that is what they say it is. But he buys it, and brings it to me. Once he came over and gave me the cart, I screwed it onto my box mod and hit the button a few times to SMELL the cart. Once the smell hit me I knew what I had.
The cart sat around my house for about 2 weeks before I decided it was time. The night came when I decided to start my journey, and I prepared my living room with a comfy spot on my couch to kick things off. I sat down and started to breathe to relax myself, as I was still nervous/excited.
I put the cast to my lips and begin doing mouth to lung pulls. Filling my mouth several times and inhaling before holding in at max capacity. I remember when I was holing it in I thought "what if this stuff doesnt work?" But that feeling lifted as soon as I exhaled. My whole body started to feel like it was vibrating, i had an oscillating buzzing sound inside my head that was only increasing in pitch and intensity.
Behind my eyes a very clean square formed with fractals running all over it, but nowhere in the background. As I watched this I felt a need for another hit, this time I was hitting the cart straight to my lungs. The square stretched out into a cube and the fractals grew in speed and intensity. The oscillating sounds were solid now and continuously building in pitch and intensity. I knew I needed to take one more hit to really get into this space. One more, one more my mind kept telling me.
So naturally I listen and take one more hit. The cube the extended into the infinity in front of me and began to pull me in. I was scared and didnt know what was happening. As I'm being pulled into the "hallway" of interdimensional space I was rushed by visions of meaningful unreadable symbols and ancient cave paintings of animals eating animals in a ouroboros type pattern.
I dont really remember how, but I got to a place where things looked really blocks and made of stone. In front of my was blackness but in my peripheral vision I could see walls. I felt multiple presences behind me but when I tried to turn to face them my vision would remain still. There was no communication between them and I, but I knew how I could turn to see them. It required me to turn my head in such a way that it would cause my physical body to implode into nothing, but I conciousness to traverse into this new realm. I wasnt ready, and I kept telling them that.
The feeling I got from them was one of acceptance, a "it's ok to not be ready" feeling, but they decided to send me back. I knew I was coming back because all the buzzing started to die down, and quickly became quiet. I dont know how long I was there, but all i could do when i came back was laugh and say "what the fuck?!" As I kept thinking about the motion of self implosion.
Hope that was a fun read. Thanks for taking the time!
Posted in: DMT
26 people like this.
Super interesting read though I completely understood where you are coming from now I've tried it myself
Like December 22, 2019
This experience alone has kept me intrigued to see what else can be shown. No other substance is quite like it.
Like December 22, 2019
Not encountered anything like this molecule. It has captured my curiosity to say the least! Nice report
Like December 29, 2019
Professional. well played sir.
Like January 9, 2020