Nemesis Rhapsody
by on October 13, 2019
Okay ladies and gentlemen I thought I had already posted a trip report about smoking some DMT but apparently I didn't. So the first one goes like this I smoked some DMT and I had like set up my room to where I had some classical music playing and I wanted to see if the DMT entities enjoyed that type of music as much as the the other type of music I listen to rap hip hop rave music whatever anyhow so I put that on and I took the hit and when they came they were like doing things that I didn't like like like I feel like they were kind of pinching me and they were bringing heat towards me I don't have any idea how they could do that but it was it was strange and then they made the music sound like tones just like one tone to another tone like it wasn't melodic it wasn't there was no Harmony it was so strange and I kind of felt like they didn't want my presence here and I was kind of like woah what's the deal you know like I don't understand any how so I hadn't really smoked DMT since then I wasn't afraid I didn't feel threatened I didn't feel like that was a bad trip I just felt like you know maybe you're trying to tell me that is not such a good idea so I spoke with one of my friends about it and she said well the only thing you can do is do it again and find out if they're tripping for real so I decided to do that and I only have like a little tiny bit of DMT left and so I scraped my DMT pipe and there was quite a bit in it anyhow so I just decided to smoke all of it and I recorded myself but like the part where I started tripping or whatever like wasn't on the recording cuz it was like a cop cam so it starts and stops by motion or whatever so I was very highly disappointed anyhow back to the point so I smoked it in like they came through super hard this time and they were like they were kind of violent and stuff like that and then my mouth felt like it turned into dust and all my teeth fell out and that was the strangest feeling ever I'm ttrying to spit my teeth out of my mouth and I was like spitting stuff out and they were very very clear that they apparently did not want me to be around but like once again like I don't take that as a a bad thing I just take it as they're telling me what it is you know what I'm saying I wasn't having a bad trip they're just letting me know but my question is like why like why do I not get to go and everybody else are other people get to go is kind of upsetting because I really enjoy hallucinogens in I don't know like I've learned something from those experiences even if they seem frivolous or I'm not necessarily having like a deep meditation or whatever you know I'm saying I still have my experience and I still learn from it so I'm very very confused as to why and just plain out flat-out disappointed like super disappointed that that they don't want me over there makes me sad and I want to cry anyways if you guys have had any of these types of experiences I'd like to hear about them or you know whatever cuz I want to know if I'm the only person out there that's having this happen to them anyways have a great day and I hope you like surprises talk to text you guys so it's probably sounds crazy and I didn't even bother with punctuation or anything
Posted in: DMT
3 people like this.
Nemesis Rhapsody
Cool thank you so much for responding. The sessions were like a week or more apart. I ened up smoking some more and I just felt silly. And like my mouth turned to dustand my teeth fell out again. But i didn't mind. But it is a very strange thing.
Like January 17, 2020
Myco Guy
When the molecule starts to do things that makes me uncomfortable I try to find playfulness in it. Like for example watch your teeth fall out and laugh abaout it. Watch your whole world light up once you laugh at the scary lol.
Like January 18, 2020
Nemesis Rhapsody
I did laugh. It was just the weirdest thing to experience. I wasn't ever afraid or threatened, i just felt like, "whoa that was crazy!" But i kinda enjoy it.
Like January 20, 2020
Myco Guy
I know exactly what you mean. I remember the first time I met tue Jester. She locked me in a dark room with her and I was laying on an exam table. She was was very shadow like and was hiding in the shadows of the room and everytime I'd see her she would fly to another dark corner of the room. Then s... View More
Like January 21, 2020