Bella Luna
by on November 23, 2019
Okay. Trip Report. Here goes.
So I had just helped my partner breakthrough, I held the pipe and vaporised the DMT and everything. It was not my intention to try it myself. However my partner came back round and was going to sing about how he just felt complete and utter euphoria, love and comfort. He said I should definitely try it because it's incredible. We recently decorated our bedroom and had loads of beautiful tapestries and blue fairy lights etc, he put on music and I meditated while he prepared my dose. Those of you that have seen my profile know I was naive and was "underwhelmed" by my first experience. So I thought fuck it let's go further.
(things in brackets are what my partner said I was doing and I've tried to tie it to a certain point in my trip)
Oh how that was a shit idea.
As soon as he put the pipe in my mouth I felt off, wrong. However I thought it was just me being weird so... I took the first hit, massive hit, filled my lungs completely and held it while I counted to thirty. I exhaled and went for the second and I immediately put my hand out to stop the pipe coming near me. I opened my eyes thinking "just one hit won't do much I think that's enough for today" then, the high pitched scream of about a million voices filled my ears and shit got wavy real fast. Then the only way I can describe it was being ripped from my body and being thrown across space. I could hear myself going "no no no no no no no" (I was screaming at the top of my lungs) however it wasn't me saying it, at least I didn't think it was. (it was)
I was flying through fractals and tunnels at stupid fast speeds, trying to take in what I could see, then I was looking to my left when everything went black. But not like the colour. More like the absence of anything. I look forward and Anubis the Ejyptian God was stood with a staff in front of a huge door. He looked at me with a very slight smile and it was not a friendly one. He then opened the door and let me through. Full speed I flew through the door and felt like I had died. Not an ego death or anything like that, not personality, just my entirety ceased to exist. Again I was screaming a mixture of "no no no" and just "ahhhh" at this point I saw every girl my partner has cheated on me with, woke of them were faceless due to me not knowing who some of them were. I look to them and there my partner stood in the middle of them. They all started laughing at me and touching him lovingly and sexually (at this point I was sat on my partner and shouting no while grinding on him) in my trip I started to cry and try to fight them off my partner. Then I touched my face at it started to melt (this is where my partner freaked out in "the real world". My face was apparently contorting like I was possessed and kept touching my face and running my hands through my hair) as my face was melting I went to look back at the group but all the girls were all flying at me, into my stomach and then back out my mouth, laughing the whole time them did it. I turned my back to them and saw a huge tunnel that looked like a chess board. At the end of the tunnel was anubis standing next to an open door. I'm guessing the same door I came in from because I could see myself from above through the door. Like a real out of body experience. Then the tunnel moved from behind me to underneath me, and started to fall towards to door. I look above me and my partner is falling with me, (I think this is the point I started to relax all I could say was "no because.." "no" cause like... " "because..." I couldn't finish a sentence and I could hear myself doing it) I look back at the door and there I am slapping my partner on his chest quite hard but not hard enough to hurt (apparently I'd been battering his chest for a while) when I turn back around to look at my partner he's got eight eyes and sharp vampire teeth, and I can only see his head, it fills my entire vision and its scary. Even though we are falling at the same rate he is gaining on me and just as I am above to be completely devoured, I'm back at the door. Anubis gestures for me to walk through, so I do and I'm back in my body. Holding onto my partner tighter than I've held onto anything. He asks me if that's a bit better now and all I can say for the next lifetime is "hmm" or a "mm" to say yes, or a shake of the head to say no. I open my eyes and my bedroom is still moving and I have kaleidoscope visuals, I just hug my partner tighter then I feel the sudden urge to make love to him. There is this ethereal glow around him and he's so beautiful, while we are making love I just can't stop telling him how beautiful he is, how much I love him etc. Then I had the most intense orgasm of my life to the point that my whole body was shaking. I was definitely still tripping for a while afterwards. I asked my partner if he could wash my face but then I just climbed in the bath with my bra still on. And just cleaned myself. Then the flashbacks started and I started to remember the trip and that's when I wrote my post on here about hell.
Can anyone help me make any sense of this? Any interpretation? Why anubis? I know nothing about ejyptian gods, the only reason I knew it was anubis is because I googled "God with bunny ears" then I knew who it was. There were many voices shouting at me throughout my trip however I couldn't destinguish what they were saying because they were all talking at once.
Feel free to DM me or comment on here.
And again thank you to all the kind words and support
Posted in: DMT
12 people like this.
Like November 24, 2019
There ARE no evil* drugs!
Like November 24, 2019 Edited
Are you sure it was Anubus and not his brother Wepwawet whose name means "the opener of the ways". In one translation to his name it is said that it means the choices or path taken. So, he could just be showing you the choices or paths that were taken through your life. Why? Only you will be able to... View More
Like November 24, 2019 Edited
Wow amazing trip...just curious besides Wepwawet did you see any other of the deities without their masks on? If so what did they look like to you?
Like December 8, 2019