by on November 7, 2019
First let me start with the fact that my Son has been slowly cultivating this in me basically without me even knowing WOW. Well spending a week almost with him this year has been by all means the best vacation I have ever had in my entire life. I woke early one day knowing in the back of my mind somehow that the day was going to be a special day. Well after me and my Son woke up and conversed for a bit, I told him that I concluded myself I was going to try this. Which kinda took him by surprise, so he set the mood and peaceful environment while I was preparing myself with some deep breathing. My Son measured out the proper amount for a taste of what's to come, I grabbed his device and took a long deep hit. Within I'd say 2 seconds the visuals started and let me say WOW, I also heard a buzzing sound. Then all of a sudden POW I had a breakthrough, which I will explain how it was possible for me to have a breakthrough experience my first time. And my experience lasted 34 minutes, as I said the visuals first and buzzing. Then I felt as though my mind was blasted to another realm the spirit realm, when my mind arrived I know I saw a winged being which was absolutely beautiful. But in the same token I believe I was overwhelmed initially, then the entity I encountered embraced me in a very warming embrace. I purged I believe all the bad and negativity I had bottled up for so long. I know my ego faught but ultimately lost, which I am so grateful for the ability to just surrender the feeling is very hard to explain. Fortunately it was only a few minutes until I completely surrendered my soul my being to this experience, the moments I took deep deep breaths were the most amazing to me. The amount of love and joy I felt flow through my entire body was simply put incredibly amazing, I did not feel afraid nor scared during my experience. But a release of all the bad, and replaced with nothing but positive images and love and joy. I had a feeling of complete insignificance, I also thought I was communicating with my Son but ultimately I was communicating with the entity. And then I just enjoyed the remainder of my time there, which my Son told me I was incredibly relaxed. The ego faught for about 9 minutes, very thankful for my Son's experience which calmed me. And I enjoyed the remainder of my time in bliss it was beautiful. Now for the explanation of how I had a breakthrough my first time, like I said my Son measured what he thought would be just a taste. Well we both did not take into account all the residual left in bowl prior to my experience, which I am actually happy that it happened. My experience was the most amazing and profound I have ever had, and the absolute best vacation time I have ever had in my life. So many thanks to my Son for such a wonderful experience, I strongly believe we are closer from this experience. I look so forward to my next journey, and since I feel incredibly cleansed and so happy. Am also picking up meditation as well, peace love and joyfullness to all DMT_DAD.
Posted in: DMT
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Animal Energy
yeah - i am reading "How to change your mind" right now (which describes strassman's studies among others) and have considered recommending it. I wonder if they'd actually want to spend hours reading something they're predisposed to be against, but it's certainly a consideration
Like November 7, 2019
Thats beautiful, its all about the love.
Like November 8, 2019
Like November 13, 2019
Yah im sure it was just a mistake. (Well played dmt son well played)
Like November 14, 2019 Edited