by on October 12, 2019
So this was my 5th experience or so with the molecule. I've done alot of LSD, my fair share of shrooms, but this is about N,n DMT.
So for this specific experience I packed a nice bowl of some quality cannabis. Placed some DMT on top, and then alittle more bud ontop of that to sandwich it. I'm laying in bed, in a safe, quiet, comfortable place. No music on, no lights on, just a candle lit. Trying to quiet my mind before I let go, breathing deeply. I then feel ready. I take my first hit, hold it in deeply and right away some light effects kick on, eyes still open at this point, seeing bright neon colored streaks almost like snakes, colors I had never seen before, swirling in a counter clockwise pattern, with a black abyss in the background, I quickly take the 2nd hit, and the black abyss starts turning into a black holes/eyeball/clock of sorts, the neon snakes were being sucked down the portal in this black holes, as was I... So I take that 3rd hit, closed my eyes, layed back, opened my 3rd eye, turned off my mind, relaxed and float down stream... I broke through the doors of perception and let go.. i had these posters on my wall at the time, Jimi Hendrix, Greatful Dead, Pink Floyd & The Beatles. And before this trip I always wondered who was the trippiest of the trippy. So I first went through the Hendrix poster, he was playing the star spangel banner at Woodstock, I then go into the dead poster and after right into the pink Floyd poster, that's when it got interesting.. I shot through the dark side of the moon album cover, that prism. I went down the initial white light. And into a world of colors I've never seen before.. if you look at the album cover, there is the white light shining through the prism going into the color we see as humans. But that black abyss is all color, our eyes just can't see it.. so I ended up floating in this dark abyss, as I was watching my dead body lying on my bed from a birds eye view from the corner of my room, I was in the afterlife realm. It showed me where I'm going when I die, and what happens when we pass. I floated around this space for what felt like eternity, and I came back through a black holes in the Beatles poster.. before I took that 3rd hit, I saw the clock and it read 9:59. When I came back, it read 10:05... And it was a lifetime of introspection in a mear 5 minutes... I will forever remember that one, take it to my grave.
I would love feedback on this!
Posted in: DMT
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This is why i joined this group. For conversations with people like yourself. And it is what i got as well.. "when you get the message, hang up the phone" and i deffinatly got the message.. but its been several years since I've heard anything. Ive recently received another call i just havent anssere... View More
Like October 12, 2019
How much did you wind up doing in 3 hits?
Like October 12, 2019
Im not quite sure the exact amount. I didnt weigh it. I wish i knew.. my previous trips before this one i questioned if i really broke through.. that trip taught me when you really break through you wont be questioning it.
Like October 12, 2019 Edited