by on July 28, 2019
Last night started out beautifully. House to myself, besides my dog. So I decided to pop my MDMA at 8:45 and take her outside before I blasted off. Played with my dog for a little while then headed back inside. Went upstairs and grabbed all my items I would need for the night (reefer, phone, gatorade, and a great mindset) and headed outside to my car for the night. I know alot of you are probably thinking, why is he going to his car when he has his whole house to himself. Long story short, I felt more controlled in the car as to opposed to being inside and wondering around. But back to the story i got in my car, and sparked one of my first blunts, didnt even get all the way through it and boom. Here I go starting to feel it. Then threw on Big Krit- Justin Scott , and my journey began. All my ego was gone, all my anxiety gone, (I'm trying to therapeuticly) fix my mental health. And my long night had started. My first wave lasted 2 in a half hours, that I could remember. I was also listening to this amazing playlist made by my brother that took me on a beautiful ride. (If any of you are interested in the playlist let me know)
But my night was beautiful, it was filled with such good vibrations. And in the mix of my waves, one of my favorite rappers decided to go live on instagram. So I decided to pop in, and chat. Well what happened next was a totally surprising thing, I then started seeing this red aura around him and asked other people from the chat of they could see it. But they couldn't, would other people that have seen auras message me? I also had 2 visions, that I clearly remember. I've got some questions. But this is my first Trip Report ever, and I will be doing more every 2 weeks.
Posted in: MDMA
7 people like this.
Paul Mai
I hope you've enjoyed it at all 1f600.png But do you try to drop every 2 weeks MDMA? That makes no sence to me XD
Like August 31, 2019
Oh it opened my mind to alot. I very much enjoyed it. And yes ive been doing it every 2 weeks for the last 3 months almost. But here recently i picked up eating mushrooms on the week i dont take MDMA. ❤
Like August 31, 2019