by on November 5, 2024
So this was a few years back.
This is actually the second time I tried acid. The first time I ate a tab it had no effect and it wasn’t off a trusted source so probably just blotter paper. I didn’t pay for it either so that says something.
Anyway the second time was from a more trusted souce. I’ve always wanted too try acid as it’s always appealed to me with the cool pictures and I’ve heard good things. So I got a strip of 5 (was 5 for price of 4). They had pictures of the Krey twins on them.
Since it was my first time taking acid I only took one too begin with. I was kinda nervous for some reason. It must of been about 8-9pm.
I waited a few hours for it too kick in. Which it did. I was tripping a little. It wasn’t as enjoyable as shrooms but I was defiantly tripping. I got pretty bored after a while. I looked in the mirror and I definitely looked like I was tripping lol.
I also felt like I was overheating a little which doesn’t happen too me with Shrooms. A little more of a chemical feeling compared too shrooms which is more of a natural feeling. In my opinion. Also I made a spliff and it tasted awful for some reason. Like I was grossed out at the taste of weed. And I love weed lol. Just tasted like I was chewing a plant which isn’t normal for me. I usually love the taste.
I went too go too sleep around 2.30am and after a while it’s like I heard a loud crash in my mind. Like a car crash in my head. I didn’t see anything just heard a loud crash or bang idk it’s hard too explain. I thought I was weird and tried too go back too sleep. Not too long after it did it again. And I mean it was loud. But it was obviously in my mind. Like my mind crashed lol. Or a high voltage arc.
Very weird. Didn’t really rate my experience. If anyone asks me I’d recommend shrooms or dmt over lsd. As you can actually relax/trip/meditate on those imo.
But I didn’t test it or anything and I don’t no the difference between good or bad lsd. It was my first time trying it and probably won’t again.
Safe travels out there.