by on October 11, 2023
A few days back I lsd'd again for maybe the 15th time since July 19.
It was a lovely experience.
As usual, I went to a favorite graveyard and laid on a blanket on my back and stared upwards. There were beautiful clouds and they moved and swirled across the sky, the bird calls were wonderful and all the nature noises began to emerge.
The birds were birding, the trees were treeing, small creatures were about and doing their doings.
Eventually, I sank into it completely. As the clouds undulated and the bird calls sang out, and creatures rustled- something else became undeniably evident.
I experienced the Rhythm of Existence.
It was so enormous. It felt as if I was finally simply existing. I've meditated before and even as far as taken part of regular zazen sittings at a Buddhist temple. Those sittings did make me feel present.
But this was entirely different. This was the capital "U" niverse being- and I was simply in it as an entity having an experience. Where meditation would put me more, as they say "In my body"- this other experience was to be free of it. And simply existing.
It was fantastic.
Posted in: Other Psychedelics
10 people like this.
Tripping at a cemetery sounds intense hahah
Like November 12, 2023
Sounds AMAZING!!!
Like February 8, 2024