by on January 7, 2023
So i saw this orb sphere like light essentially looking like a star ig it to me felt like the core. there were light lines circling the sphere revolving around the core. i was connected to the light as i came in, practice with meditation i believe made the transition easy. when i had a couple of doubts and worries creep up in my mind, the light started to dissipate and fade to Black. the little light lines circling lost their power and color, tried lighting up and moving, but instead of being bright yellowish and orange they were purpley red similar to if you shut off a light bulb. then i realized what was happening and returned to the light by resetting my breath coming back to present/surrender. The light returned and i smiled and laughed because i realized how simple it all is. lets not forget the ringing sound possibly 16 hz? its an internal sound.
Posted in: DMT, Meditation
6 people like this.
If this kind of things really makes interesting experience it is a sign that you can move in that direction. There are many thing to give a try from this kind of activity.
Like January 16, 2023
mushie man . It will be better if you will make separate post about your video. Because comments is like something on topic of this post.
Like February 24, 2023
This was a very interesting report. Thank you for sharing. I have distinctly similar experiences where getting too caught up in the ego causes things to go dark and actually letting go and surrendering brings the light back. I have a sneaking suspicion that DMT is good practice for death. As a ch... View More
Like April 1, 2023