by on May 30, 2019
Around this time last year I had one of those trips that takes you to the next level. I knew it was going to be a big one from the day it was
Posted in: Other Psychedelics
Topics: lsd orgasm
6 people like this.
Incredible trip report.
Like May 30, 2019
Gigiddy Gigiddy allllright
Like May 30, 2019
Half a tab, 20 tabs, 79 billion tabs. It doesn't matter the amount really, as long as you know how to work your mind and the dose.
Like May 30, 2019
Wowww that is amazing. I am so sorry about your brother's untimely death (or seemingly premature I should say) 1f614.png It sounds like he may have been with you as a guide in your experience. I know I'd want to open my families minds and hearts, if I found a psychedelic opening into their psyche, I totall... View More
Like May 30, 2019